We at Studio Picotee put ourselves in the dogs' position so see what they would like for the holidays and came up with some fun wish lists for them too. Rumor has it that Santa will be making an appearance at Wag, and I hear he understands barks and whines.

Along with Wag, a store that is a winter staple in all our wardrobes, The North Face, asked me to help them out with some type treatments for their holiday windows. They already had the birch theme in effect, but just needed a little polish on the decal. Based on the number of times I was asked to send along that artwork, I have a feeling it's ending up in more places than just in the windows.
I also just came across a great article on Forbes.com that which is what reminded me to do this post. Entitled "World's Stylish Holiday Window Displays", the article covers some of the key marketing points to why holiday windows are so important to retailers. And make sure you check out their pictures - there are some fantastic ones that the big stores in New York get to do. Someday, I hope to be a part of that!
Happy Holidays to All!